My Visian ICL eye surgery in Dr. Solomatina Center, Riga Latvia :)

Good day Dear readers :)

Introduction part ;D

Today I am ready to talk about very important event of my life while I had internship in Riga, Latvia. As a pre story to this I had a bad sight for a very long time. My encounter with glasses was in my 2nd grade and my eyesight didn't stop dropping. Almost every year I had -1 more and I was getting afraid and becoming less confident because I felt that my glasses weren't enough anymore and I couldn't see everything clearly. I was afraid that my teachers would ask me something that I cant see on the blackboard. I didn't want to accept that my eyesight was soo bad. I was in the point of deep despair. Eventually I met the lenses opportunity...
The moment I put the lenses on I couldn't believe how beautiful and detailed world is. I was walking and just watching all around me. I could see everything!!! However I think you know several disadvantages of them: no swimming in water with them, no ability to wear them for a long time and you really need to take care of because if something wrong it will damage your eyes. They aren't so big problems, but my eyesight got so bad that when I take the glasses or lenses off to swim in the pool I could see only the blurry shapes. No faces, no emotions I could see from my classmates, only hearing could assist with that. So you can understand  a little bit how I felt. I was totally lost. I liked to swim but when it concerned going there I was restless. Further when I got accepted in University I understood that I got something like lenses addiction because I couldn't go to university without them. My break point was the moment when I put my lenses and eyes became red and irritated. As I said before I had addiction so it didn't stop me. I still went to University and in the end of the day my eyes were hurt and I couldn't wear any lenses anymore. At that time I didn't have ability to buy new lenses straight away and only in 1-2 months I could get them. I started to wear glasses again and decided to resign from lenses at all. I became less confident as my glasses weren't strong enough and everything returned as it was before. Oh and while I was wearing lenses my eyesight was still dropping. :( BUT BUT BUT!! Then I found out about eye surgery :D

The pre surgery story

I found out that operation can be done in Latvia (I'm from Estonia but there wasn't the right surgery center I could choose from) and it happened to be my internship there. I am truly thankful to my parents for doing it for me as it isn't the cheap deed. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! My friend from Riga advised to go for Dr. Solomatina center as it was one of the best there. 
  • I have enrolled for first medical investigation. I costs quite much but it is totally worth it. They investigate all the corners of your eye ;D 
  • First you get the drops in your eye and then wait for some time you can feel everything becomes even more blurry. 
  • Then as I remember it was eye pressure, sight, cornea and etc. analysis. They measure in very precise way and everything is documented.
  • All staff members were very kind and friendly. I liked the atmosphere there.
  • After analysis I get enrolled in meeting with the doctor.
  • The doctor explains in detail the results of your analysis and offers you the opportunities for the eyesight improvement.
  • My case was too thin cornea so no laser surgery, and I had -10 Myopia. Therefor the only option was ICL surgery.
I wont talk about the advantages and disadvantages because if you are interested in that you can find the information anywhere. I am now sharing only my experience :) It is a very significant decision of your life and it is advised to revise everything about it, 

The surgery itself

I was very happy when my mom came for my surgery and stayed with me the whole time. Her support was inevitable and necessary. The surgery was 1 eye operated  separately each a week.
  • I ate light breakfast like banana.
  • Before the surgery itself the give you local anesthesia and I had a problem with that. I become so dizzy and felt so bad till the point of vomiting. The nurse kindly took care of me, I lied down and drunk some water. I got much better but then I advise to eat nothing before surgery as my second eye surgery passed more smoothly because of that.
In the room where I had surgery there was many doctors and the nurse because it is very delicate surgery. Then the most disturbing time began:
  • The doctors covered one of my eyes with something like blanket and another one was open. The fixed the eye lids not to close. It felt not very comfortable but you can take it ;D
  • Then they poured some yellow liquid over my eye as I think to disinfect. It didn't sting nor wasn't painful...just uncomfortable.
  • They also measured my blood pressure and seemed to check from time to time during surgery.
  • Then time seemed to slow down and the one of the doctor started to make micro cut for ICL lens. It wasn't painful again but you could totally feel it. 
  • The light was so bright into my eye that I didn't see what was happening. As I remember the light was kind of unpleasant experience.
  • After the cut was made he tried to fit the ICL lens. This moment lasted like forever. It wasn't painful but very very uncomfortable. I cant describe in the details how it was but I really needed to endure this with all my will power.
  • I remember that the whole surgery didn't take a very long time.
  • Then the eye is covered and nurse gives you the medicine like drops and gel to use every 2-3 hours.
After surgery:
  • I didn't feel any pain and actually on the same day of the surgery I could take off the bandage at home and see the immediate result. While walking outside its better the eye to be covered with bandage as it protect from the dust outside. 
  • In the beginning I felt the eye was a little bit dry but the drops and gel helped to cope with this.
  • Looking at the same thing with different eyesight eyes feels strange :D

Second eye operation was the same and I didn't have any problems with health or eyes. I am really glad to my parents for giving me this opportunity to get back my eyes :) Also I am grateful to all the staff members of Dr. Solomatina center who was participating in my operation and nurses who supported me when I got sick at some point and supported my mother as she was very very worried about me. I am now very happy, truthfully happy as I can remember all the details of my life, as I can see all the beauty of this world, as I can see all the friends faces and do whatever I want to do. I don't have anymore the uncomfortable feeling at the pool :D

Thank you everyone for sharing with me one part of my life :)

If you have any questions about the surgery, you are totally welcome to ask in the comments. I would gladly help you as much as I can.


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