Integrated teams

Team Building

So the integrated teams are assembled by the client in the beginning of the project, they are sharing the same goals for design and construction success.  IPD process requires the team to work together when the problem arises. Therefore, the composition of the integrated team, the ability of team members to adapt to a new way of performing their services, and individual team members’ behavior within the team are critical. The integration team are bounded by the agreement which they made in the beginning.

Decision making

The successful way of handling the problems is to decided and agree on decision making body. Usually decision making body consists of primary participants of the project as they are constantly involved in the project. 
Primary participants are core group of team members involved in and responsible for the project from inception through completion. [1]
Then reasonably to say, more often the decision making body meetings are held more adaptive it becomes to project circumstances. Also other supporting project participants can participate in advising through the phases depending on their professional knowledge. In case of disputes the decision making body resolves it without necessity of filing claims and adopting confrontational positions as it usually happens in traditional process. 

Team communication

All successful teams put a priority on collaboration including fluid and open communication. The communication protocol and other communication tools are developed through joined discussions in which the project team discusses and decides how information will be used, managed and exchanged to ensure consistent and appropriate use of shared information. The decisions and communication protocol are documented and become the project’s information specification.
Eventually the most important part is to choose the best fitted participants that will be well cooperated in the team. And it is as hard as it sounds, It doesn't only concerns the professional side but also the character of the project participants. And I bet most of the client who didn't face it before can have a very difficult time.

[1] Integrated Project Delivery: A Guide p. 54

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