Hardships of BIM implementation to the company

After seeing which kind of benefits BIM can bring to the contractor and how implementation can minimize the work in the tender phase for individual contractor we face a question: why there is still contractors who don’t use BIM in their work? I addressed this problem to the (Deutsch, 2011) and I found some real life examples of problems which faced several companies:
  • Lack of competence. There were no people with required knowledge of BIM to help the company with adoption.
  • Resistance to change. Most of employees was against BIM and it brought negative effect on implementation.
  • Management of information. There were problems with managing of resources and information within company.
  • Difficult of new software learning.
  • Perceived costs. The total costs reserved for BIM adoption raised too high.
  • New project process. It was hard to shift from traditional project process to BIM.
  • There was no step by step guide for BIM implementation.

These problems concerns not only technological part as it is perceived but also social and financial pars.

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