First post!:)

Hello there, here and everywhere!

It is so nice to see you on my first blog ever, that I want you to know me better ;) . So it can occur that you would be interested to read further! Such a nice intention I have, ha-ha-ha :D

1. Simple enough question to begin with: Who am I?

Pleased to meet you, I am Viktoria!:) I am from Estonia, but I'm Russian, so I am studying in Denmark and now I am in Latvia for internship. Fascinating mixture of cultures, right? I like it too!) And yeah, I know some of the languages. BUT when you talk all mighty English most of the time, everything fades away in my head. Anyway it is said that languages you learnt are easy and fast to recall!HA! It is nothing to loose for me! Ok, back to business...
Professionally speaking, I am a future Construction Architect! In other words, it is not only architecture, but construction, building services, some load bearing and planning and management as well. Quite broad, what to say! As you can understand from above I am interested in buildings, all kinds and even digital ones. And we slowly going to another question--->

2. So why am I here, why do I need blog?

Well...I have several answers:
  • Share the knowledge: it always feels good to share something and of course getting back as well!)
  • I am in need of some knowledge as well: I am just finishing Bachelor, so of course I don't know everything. Eventually finishing all education levels don't guarantee all knowledge of universe xD I am definitely in need!
  • Keep in touch what happens in my life: By that I mean - remembering information I got on occasions. Useful to remember!
  • Give nice mood sometimes: it isn't only about learning, fun is also important ;)

3. What I will write about?

I cant say for sure, I am thinking to be it some sort of diary. However I have some certain themes:
  • Buildingssss, especially when I am in Riga now. It will be about its great architecture!:) Also it will include news!)
  • Autodesk Revit, I am planning to learn it and make small tutorials while I am doing it.(in process)
  • About food and drinks. Yeah, my most favorite part!I like to eat, and cook.. sometimes..
  • Some interesting events.
  • Just some funny moments I encounter.

Fuh, it is enough for my first post! I told about my plans, so see you next time!And thanks for reading :)

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