Motivation of the past

Good day, my dear readers! 

Recently I found my motivation letter from 2011 year, when I only wanted to go to Denmark and study there. It felt so inspirational for me. There is some pure and sincere feelings that provoked me to try harder. And the moment when I got accepted in the university still brings me a big smile. Just like dream comes true. Unbelievable.

Inspiration for my letter was trip to Norway. Norwegian fjords are the most incredible thing I have ever seen. It all happened there when I truly realized what our nature hides, what beauties we still need to discover and how much less time we have. Of course I haven't been everywhere and it takes time, but trying to discover something new and exciting is not waste of time!And you don't have to go somewhere, it is all around us. Enjoy your life and keep searching loveliness around you!:)

My motivational letter isn't so formal, more like personal. If someone struggling to write one, I will be glad to help them posting mine. Please, write in comments if you liked. It will make me happy:)

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  1. A good motivation you have, for exploring the world. Traveling and seeing new places is like a must for any human.
    "Once a year, go someplace you've never been before." ~ Dalai Lama
