IPD vs traditional process

The table shows the difference between traditional project delivery and integrated project delivery utilizing BIM. IPD brings the most out of BIM process and that’s the reason I included it here.

Traditional methods
IPD utilizing BIM
Length of the project
Depends on the type of method; example from before: total contract can be quite fast
Generally faster than traditional method, because of short buyout and construction phase.
In the tendering phase the mostly chosen bid depends on price, however cheap doesn’t always mean good quality. Total contract suggests standard quality or minimum requirements from total contractor.
Integrated team shares the ideas and choose best possible quality for the project.
Depends on the type of method; Total contractor will choose the cheap solutions and in the tender phase the highest priority applies to the cost.
Contractor involved in design phase, which result in early budget estimation and avoiding overpricing with redesigning.
Risk is individually managed by client as in Design Bid Build or transferred to the total contractor to the greatest extend in Design Build
Risk is collectively managed and appropriately shared within the integrated team
Each of the participant pursue their benefits Individually by making minimum effort for maximum return.
Team success tied to project success.
Traditional contracts (as example GC92) results in encouraging one-sided effort, allocating and transferring risk.
Shared reward/risk contract encourages multi-sided open sharing and collaboration with risk sharing.
Involvement in the project
Depends on the method; In total contract-the client involvement is minimum. On the other hand in individual contract the client plays active role, however the contractor arrives in project much later.
All participant involved in early phases of the project.
Teams are fragmented, assembled on minimum necessary basis, they are strongly hierarchical.
An integrated team entity is composed from key project participants, they are assembled early in the process; there are open, collaborative and trusting relationships.
The project process requires knowledge gathered just as needed;
The process includes early contributions of knowledge and expertise and information openly shared between participants.
Usually participants stick to the paper based communication and project documentation.
Integrated teams often coordinate the project digitally, using Building Information Modeling (3, 4 and 5 dimensional).

From the table we can realize that integrated project delivery brings advantages not only to the clients but to the all project participants. However the shared risks and rewards make the choice of participants very important. That is why it can take time at the beginning of the project to gather the competent team.

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